Skill development programme for Student Counsellors of the University of Moratuwa.


Venue: Board Room - Faculty of Architecture

Lecture 2 - Topic : Attending Behavior in Counselling 

Objectives: Attending behavior is a counselling micro skill that assists the counsellor in showing his/her presence physically and psychologically to the counselee by indicating that the counsellor is interested in what the client is explaining and feeling, and that the counsellor respects, understands and empathizes with the client. Continuing attending behavior throughout the counselling process is essential yet it will be useful especially in the beginning of any counselling session to establish rapport with the counselee. This session elaborated on communication strategies/skills associated with attending behavior to be built and used by a counsellor in the counselling co-journey.

Resource Person - Chief Student Counsellor, Dr (Mrs.) A.A.Hettiarachchi
[Vice President of the Sri Lanka Counselling Association (SLCA)- University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Member of the Global Institute of Counselling Professionals (GIOCP), Diploma in Counselling (USjP)]