Statistics is a much versatile subject which can be applied in almost any field. There is always an increasing demand to train executives in the government departments and private sector organizations on using statistics for business analyses. This program is offered focusing the executives working in business or any industrial environment who wish to expand their knowledge through a postgraduate qualification in Statistics, irrespective of the discipline of the first degree. Therefore, the program is designed with more emphasis on enhancing skills in applying statistics to industrial problem solving and the using common and specialized software packages for data analysis.
This program focuses on the application of statistics to explore, analyze, and forecast business data and to train participants with excellent quantitative skills in data analysis. More importantly participants should be able to properly communicate statistical outputs and to make scientific decisions based on statistical inferences in the fields such as business, finance, banking and government policy-making.
Main Study Areas
- Statistical Concepts, Inference and Modelling
- Multivariate Statistical Data Analysis Techniques
- Experimental Designing
- Time Series Analysis
- Computational Business Analytics
- Operational Research
- Business Decision Making
- Survey and Sampling in Business
- Research Methodology, Academic Writing and Publication
- Postgraduate Diploma in Business Statistics - 12 months (part-time) (SLQF - L8)
- Master of Business Statistics - 16 months (part-time) (SLQF - L9)
- Master of Science in Business Statistics - 24 months (part-time) (SLQF - L10)
- Lectures are conducted in weekends
Programme Structure

Eligibility Requirements
- A Bachelors Honours degree of the University of Moratuwa with Mathematics and Statistics modules in the curriculum
- Any other Bachelors Honours degree in a field relevant to Mathematics or Statistics from a recognized University as judged by the Faculty of Engineering, and approved by the Senate
- Any other Bachelors degree in a field relevant to Mathematics or Statistics from a recognized University,
a minimum period of one (01) year post-qualifying experience as judged by the Faculty of Engineering, and approved by the Senate
- Any recognized category of membership of a recognized Professional Institute, obtained through an academic route,
a minimum period of one (01) year post-qualifying experience as judged by the Faculty of Engineering, and approved by the Senate.
Contact Us
- Course Coordinators
Tel : +94 762 271 560, +94 718 146 791
WhatsApp : +94 718 146 791
- Course Management Assistant
Tel : +94 772 656 498
e-mail :
Join with us on Facebook
How to apply
Extended Deadline!!!
Application should be submitted online on or before 20th of September 2024
Click here to Apply
For any technical support regarding the online application, please contact via
Course Fees and Payment Instructions
- Application processing fee - Rs.2,000/= (non-refundable and should be paid by the time of submitting the application)
- Full Course Fee -
- PGDip in BusStat - Rs.350,000/=
- Master of BusStat - Rs.400,000/=
- MSc in BusStat - Rs.500,000/=
- Library fee - Rs.2,500/= (non-refundable)
- Examination and Registration - Rs.2,000/= (non-refundable)
- All payments to be done to the following account
- Bank : BOC Katubedda
- Acc.Name : University of Moratuwa
- A/C No : 70993353
- Mandatorily indicate "BS24-Applicant’s NIC" at the reference field in your receipts at all payments.
(Eg. If your NIC is 2000123456, reference should be BS24-2000123456)
More information on registration and payment procedure
- Any applicant who receives the confirmation on the selection to the program will be required to do at least the minimum course fee (Rs.350,000/=) payment at once and register for the PGDip level.
- Those who register for the PGDip at the initial registration may transfer to Master by paying the remaining Rs.50,000/= upon successful completion of PGDip and then may transfer to MSc from Master level by paying the remaining Rs.100,000/= upon completion of the requirements of Master degree. However, the total course fee for a successful candidate will not exceed Rs.500,000/=.
- Under any circumstance the university is not liable to refund any course fee payment.
- Further clarifications can be made at an event of facing an interview.
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2023/2024 batch (14th Intake) On going
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2022/2023 batch (13th Intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2021/2022 batch (12th Intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2020/2021 batch (11th Intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2019/2020 batch (10th Intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2018/2019 batch (09th Intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2017/2018 batch (08th Intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2016/2017 batch (07th Intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2015/2016 batch (06th Intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2014/2015 batch (05th intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2013/2014 batch (04th intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2012/2013 batch (03rd intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2011/2012 batch (02nd intake) Course completed
- M.Sc. Business Statistics - 2010/2011 batch (01st intake) Course completed