Exciting News from the Department of Textile and Apparel Engineering!

On October 19th, 2023, the department of Textile and Apparel Engineering hosted a remarkable Career Fair for our 2020 intake students who are about to embark on their internships at the end of November. It was a resounding success, and we couldn't be more thrilled to share the highlights with our community and well-wishers.

Internships are a cornerstone of our engineering undergraduate program, providing our students with essential hands-on experience in the industry. This year's event was even more significant, considering the challenges the textile and apparel industry is currently facing.

Despite these difficulties, we achieved an outstanding internship confirmation rate of over 98% on the very same day! This remarkable feat showcases the caliber of our students and the unwavering support from the industry.

A huge shout-out to the 30+ industry giants who participated in the event, demonstrating their eagerness to recruit our talented students. Your commitment made this event a remarkable success, and we are sincerely grateful for your partnership.

Special thanks to our co-sponsors, MAS and Brandix, for their invaluable support in making this event possible.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to our dedicated Head of Department, our amazing academic and non-academic staff, and the fantastic teamwork from both the 2019 and 2020 student intakes who worked tirelessly to organize this event. You all played a crucial role in ensuring its success.

A big thank you to Prof Sandun Fernando, our industrial training coordinator, who worked heart and soul into making this career fair a reality. He was ably assisted by lecturer Philip Fernando.

The future looks bright for our students, and we are excited to see them thrive in their internships. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this milestone. Stay tuned for more success stories from our talented engineers!